Wednesday 24 February 2016

School IT system freezes
- schools have reported a number of problems with the system .
- the program was scheduled to be operating in schools by  2018.
- LMBR delayed the group of 229 .

Summary /
The education department has confirmed the learning Management and Businessmen Reform (LMBR) is still only in place in 229 pilot schools across the state .
Rollout of state's  disastrous new program stalls amid concerns by TAFE .
A departmental memo late last year revealed plans for the LMBR to be deployed in more schools from may . But that scheduled could be pushed back .    
Personal Reflection /
i think that the state government should test the new IT program before rolllout it because its going to effect the TAFE and schools students which could causes the IT system freezes . And the state government should scheduled the right tome to rollout the program to avoid any delays which could effect the students .  

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