Wednesday 18 May 2016

Albert Namatjira
1902 - 1959
  • Born on 28 July 1902 at Hermannsburg (Ntaria), Northern Territory
  • 1905      Hisfamily was received into the Lutheran Church
  • 1936      Accompanied Battarbee as a cameleer on two month-long excursions in and                 around the McDonnell Ranges
  • 1944      Was included in Who's Who in Australia
  • 1953      Was awarded Queen Elizabeth II's coronation medal 
  • 1954      Presented to the Queen in Canberra 
  • 1955       Elected an honorary member of the Royal Art Society of New South Wales 
  • 1950's    Lived independently of the mission in a fringe camp at Morris Soak on the                      outskirts of Alice Springs.
  • 1958      Charged with supplying alcohol to the artist Henoch Raberaba
  • 1959     Served two months of 'open' detention at the Papunya settlement
  • 8 August 1959 dies

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